
John 15:26-27 You Will Testify


During His Farewell Discourse, Jesus introduced the subject of the world. There would be conflict. The disciples will have to bear much persecution, but they will produce much fruit also. The disciples will be effective in spreading the gospel.

Within this discussion about the world, Jesus speaks about the Helper in 15:26-27. The Helper will testify about Jesus and so will the disciples. Like the early disciples, we must lift up and exalt Jesus. The Helper will empower us to witness.

One, You can turn to the Spirit for help!

When the Helper comes, you can turn to Him for assistance. The Holy Spirit will help the disciples in every situation. His help covers all aspects of life, but the primary point in this passage is that the Spirit will help the disciples in confronting the world.

All believers must encounter the world. It happens virtually every day of their lives. Satan presents his way of life, persecutes the believers, and entices them to turn away from Jesus. The forces of the world are powerful and persuasive, but Jesus is stronger! Believers can turn to the Spirit for help.

Two, we can rely on God, the Helper!

Jesus clearly states that the Spirit proceeds from the Father. The western church teaches that the Helper proceeds from the Son as well. The Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is God. Whatever the Spirit does is, therefore, fully reliable. We can count on Him fully.

There are so many voices in the world today. These voices are calling from every direction. Some of the voices speak softly; others are amplified fully. The believer must sort out what comes from God. The Spirit and the Word will help the believer do this. The Spirit is God and will make His voice heard.

Three, the Helper’s mission is to testify about Jesus.

The Helper is the Spirit of Truth (compare 14:17 and 16:13). The Greek language allows for a variety of interpretations of the title. These interpretations include: (1) the Spirit is the source of truth, (2) the Spirit communicates truth, (3) truth is characteristic of the Spirit, and (4) the Spirit applies truth. All of these interpretations are valid, but in this passage “the Spirit who communicates truth” stands out.

The Spirit of truth will testify about Jesus. The world was hostile to Jesus. It remains hostile to Him and His cause today. The Spirit of truth will counter this hostility by testifying about Jesus, who is the Truth. The Spirit is a powerful prosecutor and persuader. He exalts Christ in a world that does not accept Him as the Lord and Savior of mankind.

Four, you will testify about Jesus.

Moreover, the disciples testify about Jesus. The disciples were eye-witnesses to his life and ministry. Even before Pentecost, the disciples were witnesses. Then, on the Day of Pentecost, Jesus poured out the Spirit who, in turn, empowered the disciples to be witnesses to the whole world. Through their witness, they lifted up the resurrected Christ.

Although we are not eye-witnesses to the earthly ministry of Christ, we also are witnesses. Along with the early disciples, we will testify about Him. We will lift up Christ, exalt His name, and express our faith in Him. The world will know that we are firmly aligned with Him, the Savior of the world.


Jesus is going away. He will send the Helper to be with the disciples. The Helper, who is truly God, will testify about Christ. Also, the Helper will empower the disciples to be witnesses. Today, let us becomes candidates for the Spirit’s help. He will speak through us powerfully to a world that is lost. Yes, you will testify!

Copyright © George M. Flattery

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